Starting Out: d-pawn Attacks

Starting Out: d-pawn Attacks

eBook: $14.95 PGN+CBV+Kindle+ePub
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Are you looking to attack with 1 d4? Then look no further...

In this book Richard Palliser provides in-depth coverage of three of the most dangerous attacking set-ups available to White: the Colle-Zukertort, the Barry, and the 150 attacks. In recent years these three opening weapons have considerably gained in popularity, especially at club level, and it's easy to see why. They are fun to learn, and easy to play; they take Black away from the comfort zone of established theory; and they can all lead to devastating mating attacks against the black king. What more can you ask from an opening? Whether you are playing the White or Black side, this book tells all you need to know.

The Everyman Chess Starting Out series has firmly established itself as the leading guide to studying openings for up-and-coming players. These books are distinguished by their easy-to-read layout, the lucid explanations of the fundamentals, and the abundance of notes, tips and warnings to help the reader absorb vital ideas. Starting Out opening books are ideal for enthusiastic chess players who have little experience of the openings in question and who wish to appreciate the essential principles behind them.

  • An essential guide to d4 attacks
  • All the main lines are covered
  • Ideal for improvers, club players and tournament players

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If you play these openings with white, you should seriously consider buying this volume, even if you are beyond its target audience in terms of rating. It has explanations that will help lower-rated players, but it also presents enough theory and original analysis to satisfy players rated as high as 2200. This is yet another good work by Palliser. **** (out of 5)
Theory doesn't advance particularly quickly in any of these lines, so the coverage given here should be valid for some time to come. They are certainly some of the easiest for normally non-d4 players looking to add one or two surprise weapons to their arsenals without having to learn many main lines.
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