About Us

Everyman Chess is now Popular Chess, part of the Quality Chess Group. A message from Owner and Creative Director, at Quality Chess, Jacob Aagaard:

Dear Everyman customers,

In June Everyman became a part of the New in Chess Group, together with New in Chess and Quality Chess. I am the sole owner of the three publishers now. We have a good relationship with the previous owner, chess.com, which is also the owner of the digital rights to most of the books from all three publishers.

Due to a rights issue, Everyman will have to continue under the name Popular Chess. Byron Jacobs is continuing as commissioning editor. Some changes are coming with minor changes to the layout and future books being printed in both paperback and hardback.

I agreed to the transaction with the ambition to strengthen chess publishing in this changing world. One of my ambitions is to make this a good thing for chess specialist dealers, authors, readers and employees of the three companies. Integration is not easy and takes time and there have also been internal challenges in the process.

One of the decisions I had to take was to stop the sale of new titles on the Everyman App. After it was launched, my own royalties as an Everyman author and those of friends, all went down. I understand that for honest decent customers, the app was great. But the lack of digital security was an issue. I know some will be disappointed. I am sorry – it was not an issue where everyone could win, and my first allegiance is to the authors.

There are many other good digital platforms where future books will be available. Forward Chess, The NIC App, Chesstempo, Chessable and other ePub formats. Our strategy is evolving, but our general principle is to have our books available in as many formats as possible – as long as they are secure.

The Everyman App will be decommissioned eventually, but will still be operational for a while for existing purchases. Please make sure you download your purchases sooner rather than later. They will not be accessible forever.

If you have any questions relating to existing orders, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@everymanchess.com.

Best wishes,

Jacob Aagaard