Starting Out: Bundle No 1

Starting Out: Bundle No 1

eBook: $75.00 PGN+CBV
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Where to buy the Book

A collection of 10 ebooks for the great price of $75, a saving of almost 50%

  • Starting Out: Chess Tactics and Checkmates
  • Starting Out: Classical Sicilian
  • Starting Out: 1 e4
  • Starting Out: 1d4
  • Starting Out: The Dutch Defence
Starting Out: The King's Indian Attack
  • Starting Out: Benoni Systems
  • Starting Out: C 3 Sicilian
  • Starting Out: D Pawn Attacks
  • Starting Out The Modern Benoni
*Note* this offer includes cbv (ChessBase) and pgn (Chess Viewer and any other pgn viewer able to open complex multiple game pgn files). Does not include Kindle or ePub versions.

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