Opening Repertoire: The Sicilian Taimanov

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Opening Repertoire: The Sicilian Taimanov

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Publishing: May 2022 Europe, June 2022 US
9781781946022, $28.95/£18.99, 272 Pages

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The Sicilian Taimanov (1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nc6) is a very flexible Black system in the Sicilian Defence developed by Mark Taimanov. It is characterised by the development of the g8-knight on e7, often along with a quick ...b7-b5. The Taimanov often leads to tense, dynamic position which are ripe in counterattacking possibilities.

In Opening Repertoire: The Sicilian Taimanov, highly experienced chess author and coach Nigel Davies guides the reader through the complexities of the Taimanov and carves out a repertoire for Black. He examines all aspects of this highly complex opening and provides the reader with well-researched, fresh, and innovative analysis. Each annotated game has valuable lessons on how to play the opening and contains instructive commentary on typical middlegame plans. There are also suggestions for countering White’s “anti-Sicilian” tries thus creating an entire repertoire to meet 1 e4.

  • A complete repertoire for Black against 1 e4.
  • A question and answer approach provides an excellent study method.
  • All key variations analysed in detail.

<p>Nigel Davies is an International Grandmaster and respected coach. He is the author of numerous books and DVDs on the game and is known for the clarity of his explanations.</p>

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