Play the Sicilian Kan: A dynamic and flexible repertoire for Black

Play the Sicilian Kan: A dynamic and flexible repertoire for Black

eBook: $17.95 PGN+CBV+Kindle+ePub
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Where to buy the Book

The Kan is an ideal choice as an opening weapon against 1 e4, as it is one of the easiest variations of the Sicilian to learn and play. This is because, unlike some variations of the Sicilian, you don't need to memorize loads of opening theory in order to be successful. The Kan is relatively theory free in the traditional sense, and success is more likely to occur through the understanding of development systems and a deep study of the tactical and positional ideas for both sides.

In this book Johan Hellsten draws upon his vast experience in the Sicilian Kan, revealing his secrets and showing how Black can adopt this opening and play it with confidence. He provides the reader with a dependable repertoire, demonstrating what to do in the main lines as well as how to deal with White's tricky alternatives.


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