The Sicilian Taimanov front cover

The Sicilian Taimanov

Where to buy the Book

The Sicilian Taimanov (1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6) is one of Black's most flexible ways of meeting 1 e4. It leads to the kind of tense, dynamic positions that appeal to players with counter-attacking inclinations, such as Judit Polgar, Joel Lautier and Vasily Ivanchuk. Indeed, Bobby Fischer turned to the Taimanov in the decisive game of his famous match with Boris Spassky. In this book Grandmaster James Plaskett explains the strategy and tactics of this popular variation. Through the use of model games for both sides, the author provides a thorough grounding in the key ideas, so that readers can quickly and confidently start to use the Sicilian Taimanov in their own games.

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